Sunday, 22 February 2009

w@t dO u do whEn it cOmex to thE enD of wintEr?!


hmmm~ most of us should be grateful tat..finally..winter is gonna over! Sun rises and sets earlier and later than past few months!! Flowers start bLoominG everywHeRe~ hehee!

While everyone hiding inside tHeir own warM doing CPP...PharmcaRe...ResEarch pRojEcts...there were a buncH of crazy ppl...had

STEAMBOAT outside the residential hall!! (*ohh my god~*)


sErvEd undEr one tiny lamp~

macAm itu baru ada feeL ma~

nOt cOLd alsO..lolx

uncLes n auntieS seKaLian...lolx

syOk betuL~

tHis sTeamboaT is mEant fOr hEr!! Trisha...! aka pEnthouSe reUnion! lolx

J3 la~

Thursday, 12 February 2009

三叔公's birthday la~

yOo yOo...! guEss wat...yesterday was 三叔公's birthday!! Didn't really realize that this 三叔公 had already reached his 220th birthday...

This is 三叔公

We hereby wish him happy 220th birthday la~ hahahhaa!


J3's proDucT!

HappY faMiLy~

From J3!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Most of us should be thinking inside our minds,

"Oh dear Glasgow, Y dun u snow like the other parts of UK?"

Just when we gave up our hope, there was a big hit of snow bumping down from the sky...! Huurayyy! Finally, GLASGOW is snowing!!

WE just LUV snow!

As u can see below...we just cant stop playing with the snow...building several sizes of snowman...slide down from the slope with different styles...snow ball fight n etc....!! enjoy the pics!

It started in the early morning....

When we were on our way to futsal......

We just cannot tahan the keseronokan of playing we decided to make our own snowman in the evening....

That was the 1st J3 production....

We decided to be tamak...make another bigger one...~

His name is Mohammad Snow bin J3...

We are afraid that he is too Binti is on her way....

YeaAAaaa~ Mr sNow bin J3 met mrs Snow binti j3~

Mr snow even offered his cigarette to mrs snow .. @@ (OIMEH?!?!) lolx

From J3~

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

MichaeL sCofieLd from PrisOn bReak vs dEviL yEw fRom bOys gRp

While u were wondering why did i choose such an interesting tittle for this blog...u shd take a look at the pictures i took and comparing between these 2 gentlemen..

Profile Michael Scofield:
He is a genius who plans in how to help his brother to escape from the prison. His body is fulled with tattoos. Each tattoos indicate different pathway or hints for him in order to help his brother to escape!

Profile Devil Yew:
He is a genius too. He always helps in planning complicated trips to elsewhere. His body is fulled with tattoos which are given by his frenz as birthday present! (*sorry la money to buy u a we just write our msg on ur body as present!) lolx!

Happy birthday Tai lou weekee~ hehehe

From J3!