Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Thursday, 14 May 2009
sienz arkkkk...
Respect this fella man...he is so entertaining! lols
if u dunno who is this...or want to listen to his earlier product..take a look...
my all time fav NEGARAKUKU! lols
Thanks to my friend again for introducing such fella to me...
i still remember his first product is...
2 more papers!! ga yao everyone~~~~~~~~
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
i nEvEr sEe ppL eat KFC untiL so touch geh...
thanks to aLvin wHo told me bOut this video...
AftEr today,
i must not wastE my food...! promise...! if nt, i Dun eaT kfc in my whole life! lolx!
AftEr today,
i must not wastE my food...! promise...! if nt, i Dun eaT kfc in my whole life! lolx!
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Friday, 17 April 2009
这份心情, 一直埋藏在我的心里,捧在手心上, 想放下, 但手却像僵硬了一般, 始终也是放不下, 这种情况不知是从何时开始, 也不知持续了多久。 就在星期三的下午, 得到了她亲自传来的好消息, 这份心情, 我终于也能够放下了, 能够如此轻松地放下, 可能是因为她亲自向我道出这个好消息的缘故吧,她的这份体谅真的令我很感动, 也令我觉得能够爱上一个这么好的女子对我来说是一件很欣慰的事。
虽说我对她的这份心情并不是那么容易被遗忘的, 但它已经确确实实地远离我的手掌心而被置在我心底的某一处。 对我来说, 这份心情并不是一个心酸的回忆, 而是一个值得我去回味, 欣慰的, 开心的回忆。
“憾无缺, 祝君好。” 也只有这六个字能够反映出我现在的心情吧。
很感激阿一与四妹在星期三的晚上所给予的开导与安慰, 我知道你们是真心关心我的, 谢谢你们。 不过迅速地收拾心情可能是我的特点之一吧,所以你们并不需要太担心我了, 我已经没事了。
好了~~~收拾杂念, 彼此为考试加油吧!!
= 二少 =
这份心情, 一直埋藏在我的心里,捧在手心上, 想放下, 但手却像僵硬了一般, 始终也是放不下, 这种情况不知是从何时开始, 也不知持续了多久。 就在星期三的下午, 得到了她亲自传来的好消息, 这份心情, 我终于也能够放下了, 能够如此轻松地放下, 可能是因为她亲自向我道出这个好消息的缘故吧,她的这份体谅真的令我很感动, 也令我觉得能够爱上一个这么好的女子对我来说是一件很欣慰的事。
虽说我对她的这份心情并不是那么容易被遗忘的, 但它已经确确实实地远离我的手掌心而被置在我心底的某一处。 对我来说, 这份心情并不是一个心酸的回忆, 而是一个值得我去回味, 欣慰的, 开心的回忆。
“憾无缺, 祝君好。” 也只有这六个字能够反映出我现在的心情吧。
很感激阿一与四妹在星期三的晚上所给予的开导与安慰, 我知道你们是真心关心我的, 谢谢你们。 不过迅速地收拾心情可能是我的特点之一吧,所以你们并不需要太担心我了, 我已经没事了。
好了~~~收拾杂念, 彼此为考试加油吧!!
= 二少 =
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
fOrgOt to post bout the 1st ruNner up...
wahhhlauuu...aFter i watching this..i seriously have nightmare!!!
Saturday, 14 March 2009
i dUnNo y....
i jUst noticed that 13th of March is also known as RED NOSE day...
ohh my god..ppl around uk..doing sth stupid in order to mk ppl laugh n raise money?!?!
indeed...u try to watch the video...wiLL u laugh?
can u imagine...u wEre eating n watching such a dance?!?! nia#$%$#@%
n...do u knw...the one who danced lk "Britney" was the top 3 finalist?!?!? oimeh?!?!?!
n here comes the champion's dance....
jUst cannot underStand...nia!@#@#$!!$!#$
fRom j3
Monday, 9 March 2009
Bi*ch in the house
Welcome our fifth housemate, VINA~~
currently attach,
best before Apr 2010,
prefer to be served HOT~
3-4 person in one shot
originated from...
best before Apr 2010,
prefer to be served HOT~
3-4 person in one shot
originated from...
四姨太 prefer soft and so put VIna into hot water bath,
and was stired with oil by 二叔公
三嫂 complainted that
it was too wet
阿一哥 came back too late,
what was left was only the soup for him
sorry la, next time cook 滑蛋河 again for u la..
* what am i doing???? should do my essay d la >.<>
Thursday, 5 March 2009
2006 pharmacy team football formation (by Ulou and PC)
Don't remember when it was recorded.....
Don't remember where it was recorded......
Only know that....when we found it out somewhere corner in my computer.....me and 四姑娘 laugh like shit when watching it.....Haha....this sure brings back memories....
Don't remember where it was recorded......
Only know that....when we found it out somewhere corner in my computer.....me and 四姑娘 laugh like shit when watching it.....Haha....this sure brings back memories....
There are still many funny and memorable videos in my computer....thinking of it....we sure did a lot of stupid and funny stuffs last few years.....hahahaha....nostalgic nia....
= 二少 =
pRouDesT day Of j3
jUst finish Reading gObi's blog..ahahaha! and cannot sTop laughing!! hahahaa...
baCk to tHe stOry of wat haPPened..
It bEgan with...
thAnks to gObi wHo bOught a nEw nintendo wIi!!
sinCe everyone is bOred, wE dEcidED to have cOmpetition!!
tHere aRe tEnnis n marIo caRt cOmpetition..
rEpRensEntativEs frOm J3 wOn the 2009 JBC tEnniS yOuth cuP tournaMent! =p
iT was a hArd fOught gaMe for both pLayers...
bAseD on tHEir taLent in tEnnis..
ExperiEncE in tEnniS...(IMU pharmacy rEpresentative in tEnnis game ma..aLthough kena tapao! lolx)
FinaLLy, tHey bought back tHE tittLe back tO j3!!
CongraTx tO uLou....! lolx ...! pc was off fOrm tat day onLy..=P
baCk to tHe stOry of wat haPPened..
It bEgan with...
thAnks to gObi wHo bOught a nEw nintendo wIi!!
sinCe everyone is bOred, wE dEcidED to have cOmpetition!!
tHere aRe tEnnis n marIo caRt cOmpetition..
rEpRensEntativEs frOm J3 wOn the 2009 JBC tEnniS yOuth cuP tournaMent! =p
iT was a hArd fOught gaMe for both pLayers...
bAseD on tHEir taLent in tEnnis..
ExperiEncE in tEnniS...(IMU pharmacy rEpresentative in tEnnis game ma..aLthough kena tapao! lolx)
FinaLLy, tHey bought back tHE tittLe back tO j3!!
CongraTx tO uLou....! lolx ...! pc was off fOrm tat day onLy..=P
Sunday, 22 February 2009
w@t dO u do whEn it cOmex to thE enD of wintEr?!
hmmm~ most of us should be grateful tat..finally..winter is gonna over! Sun rises and sets earlier and later than past few months!! Flowers start bLoominG everywHeRe~ hehee!
While everyone hiding inside tHeir own warM room..bz doing CPP...PharmcaRe...ResEarch pRojEcts...there were a buncH of crazy ppl...had
STEAMBOAT outside the residential hall!! (*ohh my god~*)
J3 la~
hmmm~ most of us should be grateful tat..finally..winter is gonna over! Sun rises and sets earlier and later than past few months!! Flowers start bLoominG everywHeRe~ hehee!
While everyone hiding inside tHeir own warM room..bz doing CPP...PharmcaRe...ResEarch pRojEcts...there were a buncH of crazy ppl...had
STEAMBOAT outside the residential hall!! (*ohh my god~*)
sErvEd undEr one tiny lamp~
macAm itu baru ada feeL ma~
nOt cOLd alsO..lolx
uncLes n auntieS seKaLian...lolx
syOk betuL~
J3 la~
Thursday, 12 February 2009
三叔公's birthday la~
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Most of us should be thinking inside our minds,
"Oh dear Glasgow, Y dun u snow like the other parts of UK?"
Just when we gave up our hope, there was a big hit of snow bumping down from the sky...! Huurayyy! Finally, GLASGOW is snowing!!
WE just LUV snow!
As u can see below...we just cant stop playing with the snow...building several sizes of snowman...slide down from the slope with different styles...snow ball fight n etc....!! enjoy the pics!
It started in the early morning....
When we were on our way to futsal......
We just cannot tahan the keseronokan of playing snow..so we decided to make our own snowman in the evening....
That was the 1st J3 production....
We decided to be tamak...make another bigger one...~
His name is Mohammad Snow bin J3...
We are afraid that he is too lonely...so Binti is on her way....
YeaAAaaa~ Mr sNow bin J3 met mrs Snow binti j3~
Mr snow even offered his cigarette to mrs snow .. @@ (OIMEH?!?!) lolx
From J3~
"Oh dear Glasgow, Y dun u snow like the other parts of UK?"
Just when we gave up our hope, there was a big hit of snow bumping down from the sky...! Huurayyy! Finally, GLASGOW is snowing!!
WE just LUV snow!
As u can see below...we just cant stop playing with the snow...building several sizes of snowman...slide down from the slope with different styles...snow ball fight n etc....!! enjoy the pics!
It started in the early morning....
When we were on our way to futsal......
We just cannot tahan the keseronokan of playing snow..so we decided to make our own snowman in the evening....
That was the 1st J3 production....
We decided to be tamak...make another bigger one...~
His name is Mohammad Snow bin J3...
We are afraid that he is too lonely...so Binti is on her way....
YeaAAaaa~ Mr sNow bin J3 met mrs Snow binti j3~
Mr snow even offered his cigarette to mrs snow .. @@ (OIMEH?!?!) lolx
From J3~
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
MichaeL sCofieLd from PrisOn bReak vs dEviL yEw fRom bOys gRp
While u were wondering why did i choose such an interesting tittle for this blog...u shd take a look at the pictures i took and comparing between these 2 gentlemen..
Profile Michael Scofield:
He is a genius who plans in how to help his brother to escape from the prison. His body is fulled with tattoos. Each tattoos indicate different pathway or hints for him in order to help his brother to escape!
Profile Devil Yew:
He is a genius too. He always helps in planning complicated trips to elsewhere. His body is fulled with tattoos which are given by his frenz as birthday present! (*sorry la weekee..no money to buy u a card...so we just write our msg on ur body as present!) lolx!
Happy birthday Tai lou weekee~ hehehe
From J3!
Profile Michael Scofield:
He is a genius who plans in how to help his brother to escape from the prison. His body is fulled with tattoos. Each tattoos indicate different pathway or hints for him in order to help his brother to escape!
Profile Devil Yew:
He is a genius too. He always helps in planning complicated trips to elsewhere. His body is fulled with tattoos which are given by his frenz as birthday present! (*sorry la weekee..no money to buy u a card...so we just write our msg on ur body as present!) lolx!
Happy birthday Tai lou weekee~ hehehe
From J3!
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
scariest lullaby ever (=.=''')
Turn your speaker loud and listen.
I'm gonna have a nightmare tonight... (=_=''')
I'm gonna have a nightmare tonight... (=_=''')
Thursday, 22 January 2009
my emaiL address was targeted bY hOrny boT!
Woww...this is the 1st time...i am so proud of my email address~~! hahahaa!
today..suddenly there was an "ang moh" gal named Deanne added me in msn..her personal pictures were constantly changed and yet i cant see who is she..all i can see is some parts of her small boobs and some parts of her fatty ass...of course..these pics attracted and i decided to initiate conversation with her!
The following is the conversation:
(6:02 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Excited ^^) Hi, may i knw who u r?
(6:03 PM) Deanne:hey whats up babe, U got a webcam? finally someone adds me, I am soo fuckin horny today for some reason lol
(6:03 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (More excited~~!!) woww...i am hot too~ mind to tell me who u r?
(6:03 PM) Deanne:listen hun, I am just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I will get naked if u do..lol!
(6:03 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Felt weird @@) who is Jen? my batchmate Hung Jen? u knw me through her?!
(6:04 PM) Deanne:I can show u how to watch if u promise not to tell anyone else how to do it???PLEASE
(6:04 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Knew that it is a machine..hahaha! Just try to cont and see what is the reply) wat if i wanna watch and share this with my frenz?
(6:05 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Laughing out loud..hahahaha!) What if i am under 18..and wanna watch u in naked? ^^
(6:06 PM) Deanne:Please dont mention anything about that in the chatroom once u get in ok?
(6:10 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Felt so fun..cont chat) Y? other ppl will chop u?
(6:11 PM) Deanne:OH SHIT.. k I am late to start my show, I gotta get off msn...I will see ya inside my chatroom babe.. remember not to mention that I am upgrading u... You can use your msn name to sign in so i know it is you..
(6:12 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Laugh lk shit...) woww...show time?!?!?
(6:14 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Cannot tahan laughing...) How come u still online? i thought u say u got to do ur show??
Waited for 5 mins..no more reply! hahahahaha...
I thought i was lucky enough..even "ang moh" also automatically come and add me..lolz..mana tau..is a bot..!!
So beaware...dont simply go click on the weblink ppl send to u...cz u might b a victim when u thought u are lucky enough to see some free stuff! lolz
today..suddenly there was an "ang moh" gal named Deanne added me in msn..her personal pictures were constantly changed and yet i cant see who is she..all i can see is some parts of her small boobs and some parts of her fatty ass...of course..these pics attracted and i decided to initiate conversation with her!
The following is the conversation:
(6:02 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Excited ^^) Hi, may i knw who u r?
(6:03 PM) Deanne:hey whats up babe, U got a webcam? finally someone adds me, I am soo fuckin horny today for some reason lol
(6:03 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (More excited~~!!) woww...i am hot too~ mind to tell me who u r?
(6:03 PM) Deanne:listen hun, I am just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I will get naked if u do..lol!
(6:03 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Felt weird @@) who is Jen? my batchmate Hung Jen? u knw me through her?!
(6:04 PM) Deanne:I can show u how to watch if u promise not to tell anyone else how to do it???PLEASE
(6:04 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Knew that it is a machine..hahaha! Just try to cont and see what is the reply) wat if i wanna watch and share this with my frenz?
6:05 PM) Deanne: | well since its the law that u gotta be 18 (nudity involved), u have to sign up with a credit card for age verification! BUT.. Once you are inside, just clikc on "Webcams" let me know what name you use to sign in with so I know it is you babe! http://www.mylittlecamparty.com/sofia fill out the bottom of the page then fill out the next page as well and u can see me live! |
(6:05 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Laughing out loud..hahahaha!) What if i am under 18..and wanna watch u in naked? ^^
(6:06 PM) Deanne:Please dont mention anything about that in the chatroom once u get in ok?
(6:10 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Felt so fun..cont chat) Y? other ppl will chop u?
(6:11 PM) Deanne:OH SHIT.. k I am late to start my show, I gotta get off msn...I will see ya inside my chatroom babe.. remember not to mention that I am upgrading u... You can use your msn name to sign in so i know it is you..
(6:12 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Laugh lk shit...) woww...show time?!?!?
6:13 PM) Deanne: | AUTO-RESPONSE: hey just in the middle of my webcam show if you want to watch click the link http://www.mylittlecamparty.com/sofia |
(6:14 PM) p|ck_cH@i: (Cannot tahan laughing...) How come u still online? i thought u say u got to do ur show??
Waited for 5 mins..no more reply! hahahahaha...
I thought i was lucky enough..even "ang moh" also automatically come and add me..lolz..mana tau..is a bot..!!
So beaware...dont simply go click on the weblink ppl send to u...cz u might b a victim when u thought u are lucky enough to see some free stuff! lolz
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
ALMOST, another episode of FIRE!
The moment i thought my microwave was spoiled when i saw light was still on while the microwave stops, and it was not..
my balls were actually ON FIRE!!! BURNING in the microwave
Please do not try to heat your meat balls inside the microwave with MAX for more than 3 mimutes...
the balls will get burn into carbon chunks..
ur room will stain with NICE smell,
and u will lost ur plate as well.
the microwave did not explode
the balls will get burn into carbon chunks..
ur room will stain with NICE smell,
and u will lost ur plate as well.
the microwave did not explode
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Thursday, 15 January 2009
pOtentiaL mOvie ProduceRs..yess we r!
Seems like very long time that we didnt update our blogs...y? Y do these happen? Bz? hmm...nt really...Lazy? nO!! this word will never true to describe ppl in J3! lolz! Actually..the real reason is...in few months back..we found tat we are back in normal...didnt do much crazy stuff...so nth much happened! lolz! now..lets make some chaos back in this house!! ++
2nd blog of the brand new year...is time to reflect back what we did last time..And i had found out that we are actually have really good potential in making videos and short movies!!!! We actually made few videos back in Sem 1...bt unfortunately...cant find them back and forgot where we keep it! aisehhh....
Few days ago, i just found back few videos that we made 2 years ago for our junior(P107) orientation. When i watch back, memories of having fun suddenly pop up in my mind! lolz! [Feel lk making another movie!~! lolz] As i notice..most of us had changed...in the sense of our looking..! =P Come...! Let's watch boys grp's production!
Lolz! Who is the best actor ni??
*to b cont.......*
2nd blog of the brand new year...is time to reflect back what we did last time..And i had found out that we are actually have really good potential in making videos and short movies!!!! We actually made few videos back in Sem 1...bt unfortunately...cant find them back and forgot where we keep it! aisehhh....
Few days ago, i just found back few videos that we made 2 years ago for our junior(P107) orientation. When i watch back, memories of having fun suddenly pop up in my mind! lolz! [Feel lk making another movie!~! lolz] As i notice..most of us had changed...in the sense of our looking..! =P Come...! Let's watch boys grp's production!
Lolz! Who is the best actor ni??
*to b cont.......*
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Due to the great versatile use of toilet roll, the shortage of toilet roll supply always happen in our hut...
This can only last for 2 weeks !!!
Mmhh...i think the 'output' of 4 guys is greater when compare to the 'output' of a woman in a month....
Dengan menimbangkan masa hadapan generasi baru yang akan datang, i think we should limit the use of toilet roll to 1 sheet per every application.
P/S: Ku-bia bahasa malayu sangat sedut >.<
Dengan menimbangkan masa hadapan generasi baru yang akan datang, i think we should limit the use of toilet roll to 1 sheet per every application.
P/S: Ku-bia bahasa malayu sangat sedut >.<
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