Thursday, 5 March 2009

pRouDesT day Of j3

jUst finish Reading gObi's blog..ahahaha! and cannot sTop laughing!! hahahaa...

baCk to tHe stOry of wat haPPened..

It bEgan with...

thAnks to gObi wHo bOught a nEw nintendo wIi!!

sinCe everyone is bOred, wE dEcidED to have cOmpetition!!

tHere aRe tEnnis n marIo caRt cOmpetition..


rEpRensEntativEs frOm J3 wOn the 2009 JBC tEnniS yOuth cuP tournaMent! =p

that's hOw iT goEs!

iT was a hArd fOught gaMe for both pLayers...
bAseD on tHEir taLent in tEnnis..
ExperiEncE in tEnniS...(IMU pharmacy rEpresentative in tEnnis game ma..aLthough kena tapao! lolx)
FinaLLy, tHey bought back tHE tittLe back tO j3!!

cUte nia~(hahahaha)

CongraTx tO uLou....! lolx ...! pc was off fOrm tat day onLy..=P


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I not there only...thats why H2 cha hhahaha