Friday, 17 October 2008

Seremban Siew Bao

Seremban Siew BAo prince, aka 阿一...was die of craving for WAH-SIFU SIEW BAO...and proposed to create his own 阿一烧包...

and he recruited us to help along...

i would like to skip the material and methods part, and actually leh, the reasons is

1. i wanted to go take bathe,
2. i was too busy adding the flour while 小二 mixing the ingredients for the crust,
and no time for pictures
3. i was ORDERED not to show the secret recipe..hahaha, and finally,
4. i forgot the methods


Siew Bao 1

Siew Bao 2

Siew Bao intestine

Looks delicious? 有模哦有样 me, it is nice, hot and juicy~~

Question1: when a Siew Bao roll walk across the road, a car run on it,
what will it become?

Question 2 :When the Siew Bao run over by the car, What will it say
when it look at itself?

The Siew Bao were not created upon mou liu-ness,
but stomach emptyness


Sunday, 12 October 2008

Mou Liu-NESS

Definition of J3:
A super duper clean unit which is full of MOU LIU-NESS.. (*BEWARE :: is mouliu-ness...not nessie here nor jessie but we have LILY)

Y are we so mou liu??? we dunwan to be mou liu....but,we are forced to be mou liu..we have nothing to do at night...and so....we use our creativity and ability to do things that we never do in Malaysia..

Things that we have done:

01. Baking

i. Egg tart (* the base is so much thicker than the egg layer, but it's nice thou)

ii. Brownies (*Fionna as the main chef)

iii. Tira-miss-u

iv. sweet potato ball (* failed! all flour only >.<)

v. bla bla bla (* a lot and alot...and i cant remember)

02. Cooking

i. Tong sui (* red bean soup,barli.....etc)

ii. Pan meen (*can see from the previous post,chi yuan as sifu)

iii. Roti canai (*GOBI as sifu)


03. DANCING!!!!
think i am bull-shitting?? watch the video!!! and PLEASE CLAP after watching...we really put our effort in..

:: 得得宏@三叔公 ::

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Call me LEE

Something cross my mine while i was working in Harry (a fast food stall)...
everyone call me LEE over there, which i ask them to call me that way, so that is more easier for them to pronounce compare to YEU LOU.

IF they all thought that LEE is my christian name, then combination of my christian name and sir name will now become LEELEE..

And if i wanna introduce myself like James Bond, it may sounds:

"LEE, LEELEE(Lilly)" -----> my version
"Bond, James Bond" -------> 007 version


Extremely girlish man!!!

i actually ask my research project counselor to call me LEE too...
my gosh...



Friday, 10 October 2008

wE r imProvinG!!!

by looking at the topic..doesnt it sound good for us?! fRom beinG shitty fella..improving and bcominG someone bEtter~??? okay...without further delay...lets see..what did we improve since we are here!

(1) rELationship with hOusEmatEz ++++

HousEmates r important!!
wHen u r dOwn... tHey wiLL tUrn u uP! (^^)
wHen u r mOody.. tHey wiLL just do anything to mk u happy again! (sPeciaLLy with the Lame worKz!! =)
wHen u r sick.. tHey wiLL cook for u
wHen u oversLept.. tHey wiLL wakE u uP!
basically, wE know each other dEepEr n bEttEr !
*sEcrEt time..*

阿一- aLways Late for watever party or event..coz he is rEaLLy sLow n fOrgEtfuL!
小二- aLways the mosT PunctuaL feLLa in the hOusE! nV Late!
三叔- aLways waTch draMa untiL his own name also forgot geh! @.@
四哥- aLways tHe oNe whO wiLLing to saCrifice fOR the house! ("tesco? no problem..i wiLL go"!)

(2) cOoking skiLL ++++
sIncE hEre, wE r forCed to Learn oUr Own survival skills lk cooking! tHose who R nOob or not so gOOd in cOoking lk me, will start to b an amature chef(usually responsible to cOok rice =P) ...those who r pro wiLL be a moRe pRo one..
bELow is a vidEo clip that u can see who is pro n noob! lolx

(3) sPokeN LangUage ++++

u think once we r hEre..the way wE sPeak eNGlish wiLL b more smooth..moRe sLAng? mOrE pRO??

nOo NOO!! is Our Bahasa Melayu tat is improving!! cOz ppl here..dunno wat we are taLking abOut..this is really usefuL coz if we speak mandarin or cantonesE..sOme studentz from cHina might know tat we r actuaLLy scoldIng at them..tHus, gObi wOnt understand wat we r talking about =.="

tO b cOnt...

- 阿一 -

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

四狼笑话, 4 guyx jokes


四哥 :我问你,先生和老师谁比较老?
阿一 :哈?嗯....唔......
四哥 :哈哈!不知道吧,答案是先生!
阿一 :为什么!?
四哥 :因为他“先生”出来嘛~~
阿一 :.............................


There is a place called "York" in Scotland, one day Ulou got this name from TV and asked...
四哥 : Eh! Is this York old or new?
阿一 : Huh??
四哥 : I think this should be the "old" York, cause there's a "new" York in America. :)
阿一, 小二, 三叔 : ............................-.-lll


阿一 : I ask you all, bear bear and big bear which one is bigger?
四哥 : mmmmm..................
小二 : ........................(thinking)
三叔 : I know! It's bear bear! Cause they are two bears.....sure bigger than big bear!!
阿一 : mmm.....half correct......
三叔 : half...?! why!?
阿一 : Ok! here's the answer.....bear bear is a real bear and it's bigger than big bear....cause "big bear" is the "Nobita" in Doraemon!!! (Big Bear = 大熊 = 大"雄")
All : .......................-.-lll



Monday, 6 October 2008

home sweet home?

although de de hong is already back home, but still i seldom see him...some more me and him is just a wall apart...aiks...
and he still looks very tired...

i wonder did he got bite from some insect and turn into some kind of 'bugman' and go rescue the world at night time???

or he change his feeding behavior? started to eat GLASSES so that he appear to be invisible?haha...
i know, once again i sounds so GAY but trust me...I'M NOT!! hahaha...but i start wondering am i -.-'''

(joking lah de de hong, no offend ya cuz i was too bored)
