by looking at the topic..doesnt it sound good for us?! fRom beinG shitty fella..improving and bcominG someone bEtter~??? okay...without further delay...lets see..what did we improve since we are here!
(1) rELationship with hOusEmatEz ++++
HousEmates r important!!
wHen u r dOwn... tHey wiLL tUrn u uP! (^^)
wHen u r mOody.. tHey wiLL just do anything to mk u happy again! (sPeciaLLy with the Lame worKz!! =)
wHen u r sick.. tHey wiLL cook for u
wHen u oversLept.. tHey wiLL wakE u uP!
basically, wE know each other dEepEr n bEttEr !
*sEcrEt time..*
阿一- aLways Late for watever party or event..coz he is rEaLLy sLow n fOrgEtfuL!
小二- aLways the mosT PunctuaL feLLa in the hOusE! nV Late!
三叔- aLways waTch draMa untiL his own name also forgot geh! @.@
四哥- aLways tHe oNe whO wiLLing to saCrifice fOR the house! ("tesco? no problem..i wiLL go"!)
(2) cOoking skiLL ++++
sIncE hEre, wE r forCed to Learn oUr Own survival skills lk cooking! tHose who R nOob or not so gOOd in cOoking lk me, will start to b an amature chef(usually responsible to cOok rice =P) ...those who r pro wiLL be a moRe pRo one..
bELow is a vidEo clip that u can see who is pro n noob! lolx
(3) sPokeN LangUage ++++
u think once we r hEre..the way wE sPeak eNGlish wiLL b more smooth..moRe sLAng? mOrE pRO??
nOo NOO!! is Our Bahasa Melayu tat is improving!! cOz ppl here..dunno wat we are taLking abOut..this is really usefuL coz if we speak mandarin or cantonesE..sOme studentz from cHina might know tat we r actuaLLy scoldIng at them..tHus, gObi wOnt understand wat we r talking about =.="
tO b cOnt...
- 阿一 -